Over the past thirty years, the
manifestations of climate change have been
experienced with intensity, as a result of global
warming and the greenhouse effect that, promote and
cause alterations of the environmental ecosystem
(land, water, air), derived and known as
phenomenological events, which manifested in
episodes of disasters, during the 1882_83, 1996_97 and
2016_17 biennium’s of the Children's Phenomenon,
the Girl, the Coastal Child 3.4. The research paper
presents disaster risk management, education and
enterprise, under the guise of an informed relationship
(epistemology) and, focuses on the competencies of the
researcher, the global and national actions taken to
show the importance of associating and articulating
disaster risk prevention, with education in society,
with university specialization at the post-gradual level,
with the company and the economic sectors, with
integrated and corporate communication and, also,
practically explains the convergence and
characterization of disaster risk, danger (threat),
exposure, fragility and vulnerability of people and
business, and finally we offer the findings and results
found, with the conclusions and recommendations.
Keywords : Disaster Risk Management, Disaster Risk Prevention, Hazard (Threat), Exposure, Fragility and Vulnerability.