Aquatic macrophytes play an important role in structuring communities in aquatic environment. These plant provide physical structure ,increase habitat complexity and heterogeneity and affect various organisms like invertebrates, fish and water birds. Owing to their high rate of biomass production macrophytes have been primarily characterized as an important food source for aquatic organisms ,providing both living (grading food webs) and dead organic matter.(detivores food webs).Diversityoafmacrohytes and macroalgaein Chilika lake are very high exhibiting saptio-temporal variation in four ecological sectors. Seagrass meadows provide important ecosystem services in the form of nutrient cycling, enhancing coral reef fish productivity for thousands of fish ,birds and invertebrate species. The aquatic vascular plants occurring in Chilikacan be classified in to four broad groups i.e. emergent, rooted floating-leaved, submerged, and free floating. Distribution of macrophytes with a special reference to Seagrass were studied in 16 sampling station covering a all the major ecological sector i.e, Northern ,Central, Southern and Outer Channel to assess the spatial and seasonal variability of macrophytes. Collection, Preservation and Herbarium preparation methods were done in different sectors and seasons. A distributional record of 66species including five species of seagrass were found. During the present study, five species of seagrassesi.e, Haloduleuninervis, Halodulepinifolia, Halophilaovalis,Halophilaovataand Halophilabeccariiwere recorded from Chilika through extensive survey.
Keywords : Haloduleuninervis, Halodulepinifolia, Halophilaovalis, Halophilaovata and Halophilabeccarii,macrophytes, Northern , Central, Southern and Outer Channel.