Dr. Ambedkar’s View and Its Relevance in Present India

Authors : Dr. Anita

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 8 - August

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The freedom of a Country does not usually mean the freedom of the people in that country. The influence and the power of the state may be concentrated in a particular class of people. Before the promulgation of the Indian Constitution, the concept of the status of a particular class of people was based on birth and not on the capabilities and calibre of the people. The very vitals of the Indian social life had been eaten by religious dogmas and society was based on graded inequality. Dr. Ambedkar was chairman of the drafting committee that was constituted by the Constituent Assembly in 1947 to draft a constitution for the independent India. The definitions of democracy given by Walter Bagehot or Abraham Lincoln were not satisfactory to Dr. Ambedkar. Bagehot defines democracy as “government by discussion” and Lincoln as “A government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” By “democracy” Ambedkar refers to fundamental changes in the social and economic life of the people and the acceptance of those changes by the people without resorting to disputes and bloodshed. He desired to remove contradiction created by economic and social inequalities. He wanted to establish the principle of one man, one vote, and one vote one value not only in the political life of India but also in social and economic life. He said, “We must make our political democracy a social democracy as well. Political democracy cannot last unless there lies at the base of it social democracy.”Dr. Ambedkar’s whole life is the continuous, unending and courageous struggle he had to make against social injustice, inhuman, unequal treatment. Dr. Ambedkar’s was, par excellence, a spokesperson of the ignored community i.e. the workers, small peasants, landless labourers and women. So it is pertinent to raise some question to reflect on Dr. Ambedkar’s legacy. Have his projects shaped out as he would have wished? Has India moved in the direction that he thought optimal? Have his inheritors embalmed his ideas in dogma or extended them while confronting new predicaments? “We are Indians firstly and lastly” is yet to be realized.


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