Drowsy State Detection & Warning Using EAR and Shape Predictor_68_Facial Landmark

Authors : Aneesha Shaly George, Christy Shaji, Harikrishnan A, Jose Paul

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2WKh0ik

Drowsy driving is a major problem in our society. Because of this road accidents are increasing at a tremendous rate and it leads to the loss of human life and many other problems. So that the drowsiness detection system is the perfect solution for this problem. In this system, we consider the parameters like the face detection, position of the head and most importantly the blinking of the eye. Image processing algorithms are used to ensure proper detection of drowsiness in order to avoid road accidents. In the proposed method, the USB camera that captures drivers face and eye. After processing these images, it will be sent to the drowsiness detection system. When the drowsiness is detected, the system gives awareness to the driver through an alarm and also an alert message is sent to the concerned person’s mobile. Haar Cascade Classifiers are used to detect the eye blink duration of the driver and then the Eye Aspect Ratio (EAR) value is calculated. The drowsiness detection is based on this calculation.

Keywords : Image Processing Algorithms, EAR, Haar Cascade Classifier.


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