Drug Utilization Trend of Psychotropic Drugs in the Psychiatric Out-patient Department of Crimson Hospital, Rupandehi

Authors : Manju KC, Dr. Mohammad Mustafa, Dr. Gautam Prasad Chaudhary, Bikram Shrestha, Purushottam Yadav

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 4 - April

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2KK2OPr

- Mental disorders are the group of disease of brain which includes anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, depression, schizophrenia, insomnia, eating disorder etc. The main objective of our study is to know about the prescription pattern of psychotropic drug in psychiatric out-patient department based on the WHO drug prescribing indicators. The study design was observational cross-sectional study; Total 192 patients were included with mental disorder. The result of this study shows that most of the patients were from age group 20-39. Female patients were more than male and most of the patients were come from rural region. Brahman patients were mostly found and most of the patients’ occupation was housewife. Married patients were more and most of the patients were illiterate. Most of the patients were Hindu and many patients have nuclear family structure. Out of 545 drugs psychotropic drugs were 305. Average number of drugs and psychotropic drugs prescribed were 2.84 and 1.59 respectively. Only 1.84% drugs were prescribed by generic name and 29.54% drugs were prescribed from essential medicine list of Nepal. The most commonly prescribed drug was clonazepam followed by escitalopram. In anxiety disorder clonazepam, in depression escitalopram and in schizophrenia olanzapine were most commonly prescribed. On increasing the number of drugs, increasing the percentage of drug-drug interaction and increasing the age of the patient, polytherapy was decreasing. Polytherapy of psychotropic drugs were more and we found that 9.83% drug-drug interactions were severe. It is concluded that, psychotropic drugs was mostly prescribed in which clonazepam drug show highest percentage of prescription. The prescribing pattern can be improved by prescribing from essential medicine list and generic drugs and by reducing drugs per prescription.

Keywords : Essential medicine list, Mental disorders, Psychotropic drugs, Polytherapy, World Health Organization.


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