When all blocks are occupied inside a cache
of a processor, the system uses a concept known as
‘Replacement policy’ to evict an existing block inside
the cache memory to bring the required block from the
main memory. There are many replacement policies
applied to caches which itself have many levels. The
policy ‘Application Behavior Aware Re-Reference
Interval Prediction’ is an extension of existing policy of
‘Re-Reference Interval Prediction.’ The ABRIP policy
has two levels of RRPV, implemented in two levels as we
will see further. However, the ABRIP policy’s algorithm
waits until all the cache blocks have max RRPV value
hence ‘decaying’ the cache blocks. Proposed method
intends to correct the decaying phenomenon by
implementing Dynamic Non-decaying ABRIP or DND-
ABRIP. Gem5 simulator was used in system emulation
mode with SPEC2006 Benchmarks. We see a 0.1%
improvement in IPC, 1.4% improvement in Read hits
and 0.3% improvement in Write Hits for DND-ABRIP
over ABRIP.
Keywords : Replacement Policy, Re-Reference Interval Prediction, Application Behavioral Re-Reference Interval Prediction, decaying, Dynamic Non-decaying ABRIP.