Dynamics of Group Resistance

Authors : Dr. K C Prashanth; Dr. Veena M

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/37R9KWS

Most failures in the organization are hosted by poor group dynamics. On contrary, success in the form of synergy is again by upheld by group dynamics as a value adding agent to the organization. Organizations in this turbulent environment on one hand entail continuous change through structured process of building capacity and enhance organization effectiveness by developing, improving and reinforcing behaviour, structure, technological processes with integrated organizational strategy. However on the other hand, during the change process they counter bottlenecks from the resistance to change bid by the individual employees, groups and sometimes organization itself. Factors of resistances exhibited may vary in their nature and magnitude from organization to organization. Since, higher education faculty today need to counter changes such as virtual mode of teaching, student and market driven courseware, turbulent pedagogies, etc. This descriptive cum survey study aims to investigate such effects of factors of group resistance at VSK University Ballari. Ecosystem of the study encompasses teaching faculty and sample size was chosen to be 82 and is more than Cochran formula. The data was analysed using Chi square analysis and Friedman test. The study revealed that there is an association between the factors of group resistance to change and corresponding effect on the organization and the magnitude of group structure precedes the other.

Keywords : Group Resistance to Change, Effect, Group Level Factors, etc


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