Earth - Like Planet Criteria as Analysis of the Earth Doppelganger

Authors : Tua Raja Simbolon, Berthianna Nurcresia, Johny Setiawan

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 9 - September

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The discovery of extrasolar planets has now reached rapid development. Until now many planets that are about the size of Earth have been discovered which can be called terrestrial planets around their parent stars. It is well known, some of these planets orbit their parent stars in habitable zone around the parent star in spectral class G - M. Some parameters have been determined to re-categorize the planets - only habitable planets or Earth doppelganger, so various assumptions arise some basic parameters to re- categorize the planets. We have studied 300 extrasolar planetary data that are in habitable zones according to our calculations to determine the basic parameters that determine the position of the planets in the category of Earth habitable or doppelganger planets. The planet, which is a doppelganger for Earth, must be able to maintain water in liquid form and have fingerprints that are exactly like Earth. hence, we determine four basic parameters, namely the physical condition of the planet, the surface temperature of the planet, the parameters of the parent star, and the location of the habitable zone. we set the Earth doppelganger to have parameters and assume all Earth parameters as a provision value. After four analyzes, from Nine planets occupying Earth doppelganger candidates, we only found two planets in the Earth doppelganger candidate.

Keywords : Habitable Planets, Earth’s Doppelganger, Kepler-69 C, Kepler-9 d, COROT-7 b, Kepler-20 f, Tau Ceti b, Alphan Cen B b, Kepler-186 f, Kepler-20 e, Proxima b.


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