Earthquake Disaster Risk Prevention and Cognitive Learning at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), in Metropolitan Lima-Republic of Peru

Authors : Palacios Merino; Luis Alberto

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 9 - September

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The earth is experiencing changes in the average temperature of the oceans and the geosphere, which are manifested through natural phenomenological events, such as: earthquake-earthquake, rain-flood, huaico-landslide, hailstorm-ice, avalanche- fall, tsunamitidal wave, dry electrical storm-lightning, strong windstorm, fire-lava flow, pollution-spill, and others. These natural phenomenological events are often associated and increased with the intervention and action of man (anthropic or anthropogenic phenomenology) and later actions of third parties appear (mixed phenomenology), which further aggravate the critical situation in intensity, magnitude and scope in the disaster scenario and possible consequences. The UN, in accordance with the priorities and objectives of the Sendai Framework, seeks to support, promote and multiply scientific and academic efforts and public and private investment in disaster risk prevention and reduction, through the knowledge and use of science, technology and innovation, to implement structural and non-structural measures, with the objective of materializing disaster risk reduction through vulnerability reduction. The essential purpose of the researchers is indicated in the first global objective of the MSendai "to substantially reduce world mortality from disasters by 2030 from 100,000 deaths annually, less in the period 2020-2030 than in 2005-2015". This action aims to improve the economic, social, health and cultural resilience of people, communities, society, with their respective assets and livelihoods, as well as substantially reducing the damage caused by disasters, such as earthquakes. , to infrastructure considered critical and the interruption of basic services, particularly in educational facilities [universities and higher institutes], health, transport, communication and develop their capacity for recovery. In this context, this research seeks to internalize scientific knowledge in university students, focused on the Prevention of Disaster Risks due to Earthquakes, through the Focus of Cognitive Learning through the Senses at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos-UNMSM. The methodology used comprises the knowledge and grounded base experience, with the reading of empirical evidence and the literature review, having as the main source of data, natural disasters due to earthquakes, to then present a Cognitive Learning Design Proposal for the Senses for the Prevention of Risks by Earthquakes in university students

Keywords : Cognitive Learning, Disaster Risk Prevention, Higher Education


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