The present study is an attempt to evaluate
the “Economic analysis of production of Gerbera (cut
flower) under protected condition in Amravati district”.
Data used were pertaining to the period Jan. 2016 to
Dec. 2016 From Amravati district, twenty four poly
house of 560 m2 and 1008 m2 sizes were selected.
It was observed that the total cost estimated for
two year was i.e. Rs. 651956.3 for Gerbera production.
Net return from cut flower production was accounted to
be Rs. 205512.7 for two years. The total farm business
income worked out to be Rs. 444330.3 for two years.The
total family labour income was accounted to be Rs.
219013.5 for Gerbera. The total farm investment
income as estimated to be Rs. 430829.4 for Gerbera.
The total input- output ratio of first and second year
profit at cost ‘C’ was 1:1.10 and 1:1.68 for Gerbera
production respectively.
Keywords : Cut-flower, Cost, Returns, Profit