Edge Based Network Attack Detection Using Pulsar

Authors : Sheetal Dash

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG624

The edge-based network attacks are increasing largely in size, scale and frequency with the booming internet. The Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks is one of the most diffused types of attacks in the cyberworld which is a great concern for all organizations today. There were 5.2 billion Google searches in the year 2017 alone. Research shows that there cannot be a better example to show how prevalent internet use is nowadays. What started off as a point to point conversation in 1970s as a mode of communication has expanded to millions and millions of devices communicating with each other via some or the other form of the web. And therefore, this research focuses on the strategic approach that has been taken to defend from the growing cyber threat. In this dissertation, the focus is on defending against these edge-based network attacks and collaborating with other neighboring networks in order to communicate with them to transfer information about potentially malicious hosts. This research has focused on exploring ways of integrating the Software Defined Networking with the pub-sub messaging system in order to show a collaborative approach of defense to these attacks. The attacks from unknown multiple sources have also been analyzed in order to cope with them through this robust solution that has been proposed and implemented in this dissertation.


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