The results of the study of St. Aminah, et al.
(2014), found that from 30 mothers almost balanced
between good knowledge (48%) and less knowledge
(52%) In the mother, knowing about the safety of her
children, especially the age of 5 years, in RW 03
Karunrung Village. Rappocini Sub-district Makassar
City. With such exposure, researchers are interested to
do research on "Education Model Through Child Safety
Guidelines For Families In Makassar City" The
purpose of this research 1) created effective and
practical guidance for family use in Maintaining the
safety of children in and around the house, 2) increasing
the family's knowledge in keeping the child's safety in
and around the house, 3) Families can apply child safety
in and around the evaluation of the influence of
guidance To the child physically after the
implementation of the Child safety guidelines
implemented by the Family "Development research"
(Research and Development). According to Borg and
Gall. The design formulation used to test model
effectiveness is to use the research design. "Intact Group
Comparison". This method is Quasi-experiment. The
results of the study showed 1) the effective and practical
family Handbook, as a family handbook in preventing
and addressing accidents in children, 2) there is an
increase in family knowledge about Prevention and
handling of accidents in children, through training with
the Family Handbook "Child Safety", 3) there is a
change of family attitude to positive about the
prevention and handling of accidents in children, after
understanding the material in the book Family Guide
"Child Safety" 4) there is a significant difference
between the knowledge and attitude of the family prior
to the training and the provision of the Family
handbook "Child Safety" with post-training or material
delivery through the book and Explanation directly.
Keywords : Guide, Child Safety, Family.