Effect & Energy of Recycling Mechanical Parameters Waste Plastic and Glass to Produce Usable Composites

Authors : Dabhade,Deepak V; Prof. Ganesh E. Kondhalkar

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/31K427k

The task of this research is to address the issues of plastic waste disposal in developing countries. In this study, we designed and built a plastic slicing machine. The machine consists of the following main parts; Hopper assembly, shredder, drive shaft, frame, V-belt, electric motor. Although the shape of the plastic is very different in the case of large-scale recycling, the gap energy gap still highlights the environmental benefits of re-cyclone plastic use. The engine has a hopper capacity of 0.0725 m3 , a central thrust of 36.17 N, a maximum torque of 733.83.5 N, a shear force of 500 N, a shaft diameter of 40 mm and a torque of 42 MPa at 477.21 Nm. This information is important in selecting the conditions that contribute to the recycling process and assessing the market for re-cyclones. This work is fundamentally important for providing new data sets for life cycle assessment to assess the environmental benefits of using recycled plastics. Therefore, environmental impact can be linked to industrial and commercial planning and its application in next-process planning and supply chain management. It can be a small business or a small government unit set up to produce entrepreneurship. Initiative plastics have no future, and due to the low breakage time, plastic disguise can be seen as a blessing that can be effectively reused. It will never be thrown away for irreparable damage atmosphere

Keywords : recycling; plastic; polyethylene; waste; cement; disposal, composites; recycling; mechanical recycling, Resource Modeling, Energy Demand, Granulator Mechanical Recycling .


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