Effect of Beginning Reading Methods and Spatial Spasial Intelligence on the Ability of Reading Beginning (Experimental Study in Grade 1 Elementary Sch

Authors : Mitri Irawati, Martini Jamaris, Fahrurrozi, Jhoni Warmansyah.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 11 - November

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The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of the initial reading method and spatial visual intelligence on the ability to read the beginning of grade 1 elementary school in Taruma Jaya sub-district, Bekasi in 2018. This research method uses experimental research with treatment design by level 2 X 2. The population of this study is all first grade students of the Bekasi Kabupaen elementary school with sample collection techniques using multistage stratified random sampling. The data analysis technique uses descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistical analysis in the form of a description of research data, while inferential statistical analysis in the form of two-way ANAVA test and Tukey test with a significant level α = 0.05 The results of this study indicate the ability to read students who are taught by multisensory methods is better than students who read taught by phonic method proved by the results of ANOVA test two paths calculated = 11,642> ftabel = 4,11. Furthermore, the initial reading ability of students who have a high level of visual spatial intelligence is better than the group of students who have a low level of spatial visual intelligence as evidenced by the results of the two-way ANAVA test count = 5.484> ftabel = 4.11. In addition, there is an interaction between the initial reading method and spatial visual intelligence on the initial reading ability with F (OAB) = 33,080> ftabel = 4,11. Based on the results of the Tukey test obtained Q countA1B1-A2B1 = 8.82> Qtable = 4.60. This shows that in the group of students who have high spatial visual intelligence, the ability to read the beginning of students given a multisensory reading method is higher than the group of children given the phonic reading method. The Tukey test results obtained by the value of Qcount A1B2A2B2 = 4.84> Qtable = 4.60. This shows that the group of students who showed low spatial visual intelligence, the ability to read the beginning of students who were given a multisensory reading method was lower than the group of children who were given phonic reading methods. Thus each H1 in each hypothesis is accepted.

Keywords : Reading Beginning Methods, Visual Spatial Intelligence, Reading Beginning.


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