This research aimsed to analyze the effect of
brand image, perception of price and service quality on
customer satisfaction PT Pos Indonesia branch of
Bekasi. Based on the pre survey, it can be seen that
brand image, perception of price and service quality are
important factors that influence of customer satisfaction
at PT Pos Indonesia branch of Bekasi. Primary data
was obtained through questionnaires distributed to 200
expedition service users customers at PT Pos Indonesia
branch of Bekasi. This study was grouped into
descriptive and associative study with quantitative
analysis. The sampling technique used is non
probability sampling using a purposive sampling
system. Quantitative analysis in this study covers
validity and reliability, classical assumption,
determination coefficient R2, F test, t test and multiple
regression analysis. The test results of the coefficient of
determination R2 which is to 0.795 indicating that
79.5% of customer satisfaction achieved is indeed
contributed by independent variables (brand image,
perception of price and service quality) used in this
research. The results of this research indicate that
brand image, perception of price and service quality
have a positive and significant effect on customer
satisfaction at PT Pos Indonesia branch of Bekasi.
Keywords : Service Quality, Brand Image, Promotion, and Customer Satisfaction.