Sodium alanate NaAlH4 is complex hydride
material for hydrogen absorption and desorption due
to good storage capacity and good kinetic under
temperature pressure conditions. The samples prepared
doped catalyst CeCl3 and TiCl3with NaAlH4 under
argon atmosphere using ball milling and hand
milling.Structural properties of sample are
characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Hydrogen
capacity of sample is maximum 5.4 wt % which is
obtained from the desorption kinetics at 250 oC using
Seviert type apparatus. The rate of hydrogen desorption
capacity increased with amount of catalyst.In this study,
the Hydrogen desorption of NaAlH4 doped with CeCl3
and TiCl3 is systematically studied.
Keywords : Sodium Alanate, Complex Hydrides, XRD, SEM and Seviert Type Apparatus for PCT.