Shopee is e-commerce in Indonesia. Shopee
currently occupies the first position as the most visited
e-commerce and gets the highest reviews for the online
market category on the App Store and Playstore in
Indonesia. This study aims to decide the influence of
brand equity on customer satisfaction at Shopee
Indonesia. This study uses analytic research, conducted
to find an explanation why a symptom occurs that
proves the relationship is influenced by influence and
cause and effect. Questionnaires were submitted by 49
respondents. This questionnaire consisted of 16
statement items which were described based on several
variables to be examined, namely the influence of Brand
Awareness (X1), Quality Perception (X2), Brand
Association (X3), and Brand Loyalty (X4) on Customer
Satisfaction (Y). The results of the hypothesis analysis
conducted, Brand Awareness, and Brand loyalty do not
significantly affect customer satisfaction. Meanwhile,
perceived quality and brand association have a
significant influence on customer satisfaction.
Simultaneous Hypothesis Testing and Coefficient
Determination Results, X1 (Brand Awareness), X2
(Perception Quality), X3 (Brand Association) and X4
(Brand Loyalty) have a simultaneous effect (together)
on customer satisfaction (Y).
Keywords : Brand Equity, Customer Satisfaction, ECommerce.