The study determined the effects of
Geogebra on pre-service teacher's achievement and
perception in circle theorems. The study was carried out
in Evangelical Presbyterian (E.P.) College of Education,
Bimbilla. Three research questions were formulated to
guide the study. A sample size of 88 pre-service teachers
(PSTs) was used. The control and experimental groups
had 45 and 43 pre-service teachers respectively. The
study used a quasi-experimental design. Data were
collected from the subjects and analyzed quantitatively
using SPSS version 18 on the close-ended questionnaire
and the achievement pre-test and post-test. The pretest
and post-test were analyzed using an independent
sample t-test while the perception questionnaire used
percentages, mean, and standard deviation in the
analysis. Results from the study revealed that students
taught circles theorem with Geogebra teaching strategy
achieved a higher mean score than those taught through
the conventional method with large effect size. The
experimental group showed a positive interest in the
Geogebra teaching strategy of teaching circles. The
paired sample t-test also confirmed that the
experimental group gained a mean difference of 9.83 in
post-test with a large effect size too. The study
recommends the integration of Geogebra into the
teaching of circle concepts and theorems at the colleges
of education in Ghana.
Keywords : Geometry, Circle theorem, Geogebra, Experimental group, Pre-service teachers, Control group