This study aims to determine the effect of
Green Performance Appraisal and Green
Compensation and Rewards mediated by
Organizational Citizenship Behavior for the
Environment (OCBE) on performance and look for the
most dominant influence among the independent
variables which will then become priority improvements
in efforts to improve employee performance. This type
of research is an explorative quantitative approach that
is associative using survey methods. The sampling
technique used is probability sampling using simple
random sampling. The study population was employees
of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (TELIN)
with a total sample of 75 people. Data analysis using
SEM with Partial Least Square (Smart PLS) program.
This study found that there was a positive and
significant effect between Green Performance Appraisal
and Green Compensation and Rewards mediated by
OCBE on performance with the conclusion that
employee performance could be improved through
efforts to improve aspects of Performance Appraisal
and OCBE. The effect of Green Compensation and
Rewards is more dominant than the influence of the
other two variables.
Keywords : Green Performance Appraisal, Green Compensation and Rewards, OCBE, Employee Performance.