Helical pile is an invention in pile foundation
with a main objective of increasing pile capacity.
According to Prasad, et.al (1996), definition of helical
pile is a pile foundation that equipped with one or more
helix that has a round shape, attached to the shaft with
a certain distance between helixes. The aim of this study
is to understand the effect of helixes number to the
bearing capacity. In this study, empirical model is
validated with the static loading test on three different
type of helical pile: 1) single shaft, 2) helical pile with
the same diameter of helixes and, 3) helical pile with
different diameter of helixes on clay soil. The diameter
of helixes are 15 cm, 20 cm, and 25 cm with distance
between helixes 50 cm. The result shows the bearing
capacity increase of single shaft to helical pile 252% -
369%. Moreover, the comparison of bearing capacity
between helical pile with the same diameter of helixes
and helical pile with different diameter of helixes is
explained in this study.
Keywords : Helical Pile, Axial Compressive Capacity, Helical Diameter, Clay Soil, Static Loading Test.