Effect of Learning Model Based Instruction Assisted by Crozzword Puzzle Media on Activities and Learning Results Social Studies of Elementary School Students

Authors : Gadis Ayu Mevyanti; Suhanadji; Muhammad Turhan Yani

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 11 - November

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3flsPmR

This study aims to analyze the effect of the problem based instruction learning model assisted by crozzword puzzle media on elementary school student learning activities and to analyze the effect of the learning model problem based instruction assisted by crozzword puzzle media on primary school learning outcomes. The implementation of the problem-based learning model requires students to actively work together and analyze the problems being studied so that theoretically the use of this model affects student activity and learning outcomes.This research is an experimental research with a pretest posttest control group design. The subjects of this study were fifth grade students of SD Muhammadiyah 16 Surabaya. Data collection techniques through student activity observation sheets and student learning outcomes tests. The analysis technique used is the t test. In this case the t test is carried out twice, firstly, to determine the initial conditions of the experimental group and control group and second to determine the conditions after being given treatment.The results of the t test analysis of the activity and student learning outcomes between the control class and the experimental class before being treated showed no significant difference (tcount -0.3580.05 activity; tcount -0.0750.05 learning outcomes). While the t test results after being given the treatment showed that there was a significant difference between the experimental group and the control group (tcount 6.544>ttable 1.677 and a sig. 2 tailed value 0.000<0.05 activity; tcount 3.817>ttable 1.677 and a sig. 2 tailed value 0.011<0.05 learning outcomes). In this study, treatment is the only difference between the experimental group and the control group. So it can be concluded that there is an effect of the problem based instruction learning model assisted by crozzword puzzle media on student learning activities and outcomes. For teachers who face the problem of low activity and student learning outcomes, it is recommended to use a problem-based instruction learning model assisted by crozzword puzzle media.

Keywords : Problem Based Instruction Learning Model, Croozword Puzzle Media, Student Activities, Learning Result.


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