Effect of Liability Asset Management and Company Growth on Company Value in Banking Industry Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange

Authors : Herlina Rasjid; Dr. Djayani Nurdin; Dr. Muhammad Yunus Kasim

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 4 - April

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

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Herlina Rasjid, The Effect of Asset Management, Liabilities and Company Growth on The Company's Value with Dividend Policy as An Intervening Variable in the Banking Industry on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Under the guidance of promoter Djayani Nurdin and co-promoter Muhammad Yunus Kasim. This research is a study that aims to test and prove empirically on the Influence of Asset Management, Liabilities and Company Growth on The Value of Companies with Dividend Policy as Intervening Variables in the Banking Industry on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The population of this study as many as 44 banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and that meet the sample criteria are 12 banks with the data used is secondary data, namely bank financial statements that do not lose money and banks that consistently distribute dividends, so that the amount of amatan analyzed to 60 units during 5 years 2015-2019. The data is sourced from the Indonesia Stock Exchange and the Financial Services Authority (website: www.idx.go.id - www.ojk.go.id) as the authority holders of the banking industry. Testing is done with path analysis (AMOS). The results of the analysis Asset management that discusses the company's activities is a series of activities related to identifying asset needs, planning the needs of funds, acquiring assets, providing maintenance and renewing or removing assets so as to meet their objectives effectively and efficiently; liability or liability is a payable or benefit payable to a third party in the future. Liabilities also show that the process of controlling the pasiva can be a source of liquidity as well as a short-term policy and strategy in achieving an annual plan in an effort to achieve profitability; the company's growth is a percentage change in the company as seen from the change in profit whether there is an increase or decrease in a period; Dividend policy is a decision to determine how much dividends should be distributed to shareholders or will be held in the form of retained earnings for future investment financing or the bank's ability to pay dividends to shareholders and the value of the company is the success rate of a company associated with the share price so that a high share price will make the company's value also high , and increase market confidence not only in the company's current performance but also in the company's future prospects; Asset management has a positive and significant effect on the value of the company while liabilities have a positive and insignificant effect on the value of the company and the growth of the company negatively and insignificantly affects the value of the company

Keywords : Asset Management, Liabilities, Company Growth, Dividend Policy, Company Value.


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