Effect of Moderate-Intensity Aerobic Exercise on Efficiency of Sleep, Quality of Life, and Mental State in Insomniac Young Adults

Authors : Dr.B. Sujatha Baskaran, Dr. Jagatheesan Alagesan, A.Brite Saghaya Rayna

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 4 - April

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2VWUUc3

The Aim of the study is to determine the prevalence rate of insomnia and to correlate with quality of life and mental status among young adults, to determine the effect of exercise on sleep. Methodology: the study was designed as an experimental study, study setting was done Saveetha Medical Hospital, sample size was initially 117 and then 21 in which 15 were females and 6 were males. The materials required are ISI, SF 36 and POMS questionnaire, pedometer. The three questionnaires were given to 171 young in which 86 Individuals screened with insomnia and their prevalence rate, their quality of life, mental status score was recorded. Result shoes the prevalence rate of insomnia was 73.3% among young adults in which 66.6% have subthreshold insomnia, 27.77% have mild and 5.55% have severe insomnia SF and POMS questionnaire shows that they have poor quality of life, confusion, and anger. The pre-interventional score of moderate insomniac individual was ISI 18.2, POMS 37 and SF 36 was 38.5 respectively and post-interventional score was ISI 10.8, POMS 22.7 and SF 36 was 55.6 respectively and reduced anger and confusion and increased quality of life. Hence, we conclude that Increase in the physical activity leads to good sleep.

Keywords : Insomnia, Young Adults, Quality of Life.


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