Effect of Performance and Emission Parameters Fuelled with Biofuel Blends on Diesel Engine

Authors : Akash Paul, Amiya Bhaumik, Kushal Burman.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 9 - September

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://goo.gl/v2eR8E

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

In the present research, the renewable biofuel is applied to reduce our reliance on petroleum fuels and move towards alternative fuel usage in IC engines. The probes have been carried on a one-cylinder, water-cooled, four-stroke, CI engine, in order build comparison of performance-emission characteristics in between diesel fuel, neem biodiesel, polanga biodiesel and ethanol blends. The diesel engine has been fuelled with following blends: diesel fuel (D100), neem biodiesel 100% (B100), polanga biodiesel 20% with addition of diesel 80% (B20), and ethanol 10% with addition of diesel 90% (E10). The engine performance factors such as BTE of E10 was higher than the diesel fuel but the blends B100, B20 was close enough to diesel fuel; whereas, the BSFC of E10 was the least among the rest and for B100 and B20 also it decreased. The emission parameters as such CO, NOx and UHC of the fuel blends were lower than diesel fuel. The CO2 was in maximum released by B100 and least by E10, whereas, the O2 released was vice versa. From the results, the consequences of direct usage of biofuel blends in IC engine were analyzed properly and in our future these alternative fuels can be utilized in our society.

Keywords : Diesel engine, performance, emission, polanga biodiesel, neem biodiesel.


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