Effect of Remote Management and Managing Virtual Teams on the Performance of Non-Governmental Organizations a Case Study from Turkey

Authors : Malek Ryad Abohousene

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3cr2lQH

Humanitarian programs are important in conflict stricken areas. However, the rise in incidences of attacks targeted at international humanitarian workers has caused many NGOs to offer their help from remote places. Remote programming is a growing trend among NGOs, which offer help from a safe distance. The current study sought to identify the role of remote management procedures in performance management. The study also explores the effectiveness of the remote management procedures and the manner in which tools in building virtual teams improve the performance of workers the humanitarian’s organizations. The study data were collected using questionnaires that were distributed to NGOs based in Turkey. Analysis of the collected data was done using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences tool (SPSS). The study findings confirmed the there is strong positive correlation between virtual team and remote management. according to the opinion of employees working in NGOs there is significant correlation between remote management and performance of NGOs in Turkey. The study recommended future researchers need like improving the measurement of performance, find out the feasibility and effectiveness of use of different communication tools by local actors in ensuring remote programing and virtual working, also NGOs should document and share their activities with both the local and international humanitarian communities.

Keywords : Remote Management, Performance Management, Organizational Performance, Team Performance, NonGovernmental Organization, Virtual Team, Communication, Virtual Team Communication, Procedures.


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