Fertilizer is any material from organic or
inorganic source having a potential of supplying the
required nutrient to the soil to enhance plant growth
and productivity. A field experiment was therefore
carried out to evaluate the effect of seed tuber size and
fertilizer mixture on the growth and yield of tiger nut
(Cyperus esculentus L.), with the objective of selecting
the best fertilizer mixture in combination with tuber
seed that will enhance the yield of tiger nut. The
treatments consisted of two fertilizer mixture FM1=
100kg ha-1 SSP + 100 kg ha-1Urea + 200kg ha-1
cow dung
+ 100kg ha-1poultry dropping. FM2= 150 kg ha-1NPK +
200 kg ha-1
cow dung + 150kg ha-1poultry dropping and
C =control no fertilizer applied. Seed tubers were
categorized into. Large (L) ≥ 1000g ≤ 1300g per 1000
tuber weight, Medium (M): ≥ 700≤ 900g per 1000 tuber
weight and Small (S): ≥ 100≤ 300g per 1000 tuber
weight. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized
Complete Block Design (RCBD) in three replicates.
Data collected was subjected to Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA), significant means were separated using
Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at P < 0.05. The
result showed that, FM2 containing the mixture of 150
kg ha-1NPK + 200 kg ha-1 CD + 150kg ha-1PD yielded
the highest 1000 tuber weight of 451.85, highest tuber
yield per plot 0.55 kg and tuber yield in kg ha-1
Keywords : Tuber Size, Fertilizer Mixture, Growth, Yield, Correlation, Tiger Nut.