This research design aimed to test whether
factors such as service quality, customer value can affect
customer satisfaction in PDAM Makassar City. The
research was conducted in 8 (eight) sub-districts, namely
Biringkanaya, Bontoala, Sangkarrang Islands, Makassar,
Mamajang, Manggala and Panakkukang Districts, from
January to October 2020. The population in this study
were regular customers of Makassar City PDAM. The
accidental sampling method is considered more suitable
for this study. There were 250 respondents as the unit of
analysis. The data collection method was carried out by
distributing questionnaires, in-depth interviews, field
observations and literature reviews. The analytical method
used to test the research hypothesis is structural equation
modeling (SEM) AMOS Vesion,-23. The results of the
analysis show that there is a significant effect of service
quality on customer value between service quality and
customer satisfaction.
Keywords : Customer, SEM, Service Quality, Customer Value, Customer Satisfaction.