The effect of three tidal levels- ebb, mid and
flood tides- on the composition, abundance, distribution,
and diversity of zooplankton species in the Great kwa
River, a major tributary of Cross River, Nigeria were
investigated every forthright beginning from July to
September 2019 and compared to 1997 study. A total of
59 zooplankton species belonging to 41 taxa (genera) and
16 classes were identified and recorded during the
present study. The zooplankters comprised 199
individuals of which 49 were recorded in low tide, 95 at
mid tide and 55 during high tide. Generally, the class
Rhizopoda (37.19%) were dominant, followed by
Copepods (25.13%) while invertebrate, Lepidoptera and
Malacostracan were each less than 1%. While the
Copepoda dominated at low tide, the Rhizopoda was
dominant at both mid-tide and high tide. Shannon
Weiner index (H) showed that zooplankton species were
high at low tide (3.95), followed by high tide (2.95) and
least at mid tide (2.22). The absence of some zooplankton
species at mid-tide and high tide suggest that
zooplankton species had migrated vertically downwards
prior to the onset of mid tide and high tide. Despite the
highest number of individuals recorded at mid-tide, an
evenness value of 0.49 compared to 0.74 (high-tide) and
0.85 (low-tide), suggests that the numerical abundance
was less evenly distributed among species. Results are
compared with 1997 findings.
Keywords : Tides, Zooplankton, Abundance, Vertical Migration, Succession