Effective Communication Problems in Housing Construction Between Clients and Builders

Authors : Ximena Avila Bravo; Marco Benigno Avila Calle; Nayra Mendoza; Juan Carlos Ortega

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 1 - January

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2LMOsCi

This article presents the development of a project for effective communication, between clients and builders, through a works control system, in the planning and construction process of a house, taking as a case study the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. The investigation was based on the lack of communication that exists between clients and builders at the time of starting the construction of a house, which leads to a series of problems in the progress of the work, since communication constitutes an important component that it permanently influences all societies. Starting from the aforementioned problem, as a methodology, a systemic method is used, where, for the collection of information, tools were used, such as: observation and interview; This made it possible to diagnose and evaluate the parameters that made up the model, as well as needs and requirements. As a result, different communication criteria were obtained, which allowed proposing an alternative solution, determining that it is feasible to develop an application that allows interaction between the client and the builder, in real time, on the construction processes, which will allow make effective decisions according to the reality of the project. The most important conclusion of the project was that the development of an application (SCOPU application) shows that, indeed, the use of technology, through digital tools, facilitates interaction between customers and builders, and not only in terms of construction, but also in general terms. By creating a digital application, communication between the client and the builder in the process of building their home can be improved, reducing the probability of cost increases, extensions and improving the quality of the work at the time of project delivery

Keywords : Construction; Costumer; Builder; Effective Communication; SCOPU.


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