The study examined the relationships between
project communication planning, project information
distribution, project progress reports and consortia
engagements. Also, the study investigated how different
organizations can successfully engage in consortia. A
sample of 70 out of 86 NGOs in central, South West and
West Nile Uganda, were selected using Krejci and
Morgan (1970). A cross-sectional survey was used. The
study established: 1) 24.9% (Adjusted R2 = 0.249)
changes in consortia engagements are explained by
effective project communication; 2) there is a moderate
positive correlation between project communication
planning and consortia engagements; 3) there is a strong
positive correlation between project information
distribution and consortia engagements; 4) there is a
strong positive correlation between Project progress
reporting and consortia engagements; 5) there is a
moderate positive correlation between project
communication planning and project information
distribution; there is a strong positive correlation
between project communication planning and Project
progress reporting. Furthermore, project progress
reporting (Beta=0.299, P<.05), project communication
planning (Beta=0.214, P<.05) and project information
distribution (Beta=0.16.3, P<.05) were found significant
predictors of successful consortia engagements.
Therefore, organizations need to and are also
recommended to ensure effective project communication
if they are to successfully engage in consortia. The study
was conducted in humanitarian projects hence the
findings may be used in other non-humanitarian
projects. The study deepens our understanding of
effective project communication and creating successful
consortia engagements.
Keywords : Project-Communication-Planning; ConsortiumProjects; Project-Information-Distribution; ProjectProgress-Reporting