The low population of beef cattle in Gorontalo Province demands the performance of the artificial insemination service units (AISU) in providing sustainable services to farmers in increasing livestock productivity. The study objectives are 1) Analyze the effectiveness of artificial insemination of beef cattle, 2) Analyze the institutional performance of AISU in response to the need for artificial insemination, 3) Mapping the active strategy and the reflective strategy adopted by the AISU institution in transforming institutional capacity into institutional performance in response to the need for artificial insemination and 4)Formulating the direction of strengthening the active strategy and institutional reflective strategy of AISU in enhancing the effectiveness of artificial insemination in Pohuwato District. In this study, randomly selected breeders were used at the AISU locations in Randangan, Popayato and Marisa Districts in PohuwatoRegency. Variables measured were Service per Conception (S/C), Calving Interval (CI), Conception Rate (CR). Formulation of direction for strengthening active and reflective strategies of AISUperformancewas analyzed by SWOT analysis. The results showed that the institutional performance of AISU in Pohuwato Regency was very effective in helping the process of artificial insemination in beef cattle indicated by an increased in the number of effective acceptors of artificial insemination followed by the artificial insemination birth rate increased and the S/C indicator number was 1.37 times, CI was 1.22 years and CR was 66.67%. These results are relatively similar to the results of previous studies so that it can be concluded that the state of S/C, CI and CR in Pohuwato Regency is better.
Keywords : Artificial Insemination,Beef Cattle, Calving Interval, Conception Rate, Effectiveness, Performance and Service Per Conception.