Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Model Type Stad - Based on Skills 4C - On Education & amp; Training for Strengthening of Principals of Batch 18 - In the Development Agency of Human Resources of Jakarta Province 2019

Authors : Sopan Adrianto

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 12 - December

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/35Wi4lA

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of STAD type cooperative learning models with 4C skills in PKS Training for Class 18 of 2019 Fiscal Year organized by BPSDM DKI Jakarta Province. The subjects of this study were 30 PKS PKS training participants. In the cooperative learning process the training participants were divided into 6 groups, each group consisting of 5 training participants with random shares. In one day of learning widyaiswara delivered two different types of training courses to participants through presentation activities. Training participants then gather with their respective groups to discuss each of the training courses, through this group each group member ensures that his group members master the material presented by widyaiswara. After that, then each individual works on the quiz, the value of this individual quiz will then be accumulated into group scores, therefore each individual is responsible for the points earned by his group.The effectiveness of the learning model is measured through the learning outcomes of training participants in cycle I and cycle II which are assessed through worksheets provided by widyaiswara on each training material and through increasing the activity of training participants in 4C skills assessed from the results of questionnaires, observations and interviews with training participants and learning outcomes of training participants. Achievement of the average percentage of learning activeness of training participants in the first cycle was 78.6% and in the second cycle increased to 91.6%. The percentage increase in training participants' activity from cycle I to cycle II was 16.5%. The positive impact of the increased learning activeness of training participants is an increase in learning outcomes. The average value of the pre-stage cycle is 38, the average value in the first cycle adal ah 63.8 and the average value in the second cycle is 77.1. The percentage increase in learning outcomes from cycle I to cycle II was 13.7%.

Keywords : Cooperative Learning Model, 4C Skills.


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