Increased cholesterol levels, especially LDL or
blood triglycerides need attention because it is a
predisposition to coronary heart disease. The high
incidence of dyslipidemia in Banda Aceh and Aceh
Besar requires attention so as not to cause other
complications. Dyslipidemia can be prevented, among
others, by improving nutrition by consuming functional
food combinations of rice bran and soybeans that
contain bioactive substances such as inositol, gamy
oryzanol and isoflavones that function to destroy fat
and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. This study
aims to determine the efficacy of functional food
combination of rice bran and soybeans on blood
cholesterol levels in patients with dyslipidemia at the
Darul Imarah Health Center in Aceh Besar District.
This functional food is expected to be used as an
alternative to reduce blood cholesterol levels of
dyslipidemia sufferers.
Keywords : Functional food combination of rice bran and soybeans, blood cholesterol levels, dyslipidemia sufferers