Authors : Glaidein S. Camongay; Aela Megan J. Lepiten; Dianne Claire C. Pulvera; Angelica G. Suarez
Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March
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This study shows the effectiveness of
multigrade instruction in-line with the K to 12
curriculum standards. Multigrade is a context wherein
the teacher handles two or more grade levels in a single
classroom setting. The paper utilizes the descriptive
correlational method that tests the significant
relationships and differences affecting the teacher’s
profile and delivery of instruction towards students’
academic performances (AP). The statistical treatments
used are the Weighted Mean, Linear Regression, and Ttest of the mean difference. The anticipated outcome of
this study is the teacher’s delivery of instruction based
on the multigrade Daily Lesson Log (DLL) affecting
students AP. Results revealed that 14.9 % contribute the
increase of academic performance in multigrade teacher
despite from the complexity of this context, the
multigrade students still learned from TeachingLearning Process. The findings are used to prove the
effectivity of multigrade instruction in-line with K to 12
curriculum standards to strengthen the progress of
teacher’s instruction in upholding the foundation of
Education of the multigrade learners in the far-flung
areas in the future.
Keywords : Multigrade Instruction, Curriculum, Kto12 Standards, Effectiveness, Far-Flung areas.