Effectiveness of One-Stop Integrated Service in Public Office Management: A Study at MoRA Offices in Indonesia

Authors : Nur Kholis; Ikmalur Rosyidin; Imas Maesaroh; Sofiyatun Rosidah

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3rAX0Lb

Modern office management, both in the government and industry sectors, has increasingly utilized advanced technology based on ICT to provide the best service possible to the community. This study aims to analyze the One-Stop Integrated Service application's effectiveness at three district Ministry of Religious Affairs offices in East Java, Indonesia. The researchers collected data from reviewing the application features and manuals and interviews with the PTSP manager, staff, and users. The current study revealed three main conclusions. First, the PTSP is an online integrated public service program covering all sections' tasks and functions. Second, the application's use was effective and greatly improved the quality of public services seen from several indicators: service speed, ease of service procedures, service requirements, and service convenience. Third, generally, users were satisfied with the services provided through the PTSP application. The findings indicate that installing an ICT-based service system improves the efficiency and effectiveness of office management for increased user satisfaction. Therefore, other public offices may consider installing and using an ICT-based system to deliver the best possible public services

Keywords : One-Stop Integrated Service; Public Office Management; Service Quality; User Satisfaction


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