Background If we look around, we could easily pick out loads of equipment’s and devices that could qualify as potentially hazardous and non-biodegradable electronic waste. The television, the cellular phone, the refrigerator, the computer and printer sitting on our desk, are eventually going to end up in a landfill where they will leach out dangerous carcinogens and chemicals, poisoning the soil and dirtying underground water aquifers.
Aim of the study To find out the self-instruction module effectiveness on knowledge and attitude regarding e-waste management among workers.
Methods A pre experimental one group pre-test post-test research design was used, structured knowledge and attitude questionnaire are used to collect the data regarding e-waste management among workers, and Descriptive and Inferential statistics are used to analyse the data.
Results In pretest 16%of the workers of electronic repair shop had good knowledge regarding e-waste management and 60% good knowledge regarding e-waste management in post-test. This shows that there was an average gain in knowledge of 34%. 28% of the workers of electronic repair shop had favorable attitude regarding e-waste management in pre-test and 64% had favorable attitude
regarding e-waste management in post-test.This shows that there was an average change in attitude of 36%.
Conclusion The findings of the study support the effectiveness of self-instructional module in increasing the knowledge and attitude regarding e-waste management among electronic repair shop workers.
Keywords : E-Waste, Effect of E-Waste, Prevention Measures of E-Waste Hazardous, Management of E-Waste, Electronic Repair Shop, Self-Instructional Module.