Implementation of the levy policy of suffring
and cleanliness services is in Regional Regulation
number 16 of 2011. The research aims to find out and
analyze (1) the Effectiveness of The Levy on Spossess
and Hygiene Services in Increasing Regional Original
Income of Gorontalo City, (2) what factors support and
hinder the Management of The Levy on Retaining and
Hygiene Services in Increasing Regional Original Income
of Gorontalo City.The data source in this study is
primary data conducted using interviews. The research
method used is qualitative method. The data analysis
technique used is qualitative analysis.
The results of the study found that in general the
Gorontalo City Environment Agency has sought optimal
supervision in the collection of the levy and cleanliness
effectively. This is evident from the supervision through
supporting documents of levy deposit, supervision
carried out by the leadership and supervision by the
Inspectorate.Levy collection activities that cannot be
cooperated with third parties are activities to calculate
the amount of the levy owed, supervision of levy deposit,
and levy collection. So that in billing the Gorontalo City
Environment Agency actually uses employees who are
appointed as collectors in the levy on sposing and
cleanliness services.
But the effectiveness of the levy on suffocate
services still needs socialization that is carried out
continuously in order to open insights about the
importance of programs that certainly aim for
cleanliness and environmental health, especially in the
city of Gorontalo. The effectiveness of the levy on the
sposing service has not fully run optimally this is due to
the lack of resources (collectors) in each sub-district so
that the success of the program has not been optimal. To
further streamline the collection of the levy and
cleanliness is considered necessary to utilize or empower
government devices in each village such as RW and RT
because they are aware of the existence of citizens in
their neighborhoods.
Keywords : Effectiveness, Management of Waste Levy