Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Program on Segregation and Handling of Biomedical Waste Among Health Care Workers.

Authors : A.L Mahalakshmi

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2RmmbVR

Biomedical waste management has recently emerged as an issue of major concern not only to hospital, nursing home authorities but also to the environment. World Health Organization states that 85% of hospital wastes are actually non-hazardous where as 10% are infectious and 5% are non-infectious but they are included in hazardous wastes. OBJECTIVES : To assess the pre-existing knowledge regarding segregation and handling in biomedical wastages, plan a structured teaching programme on segregation and handling in biomedical wastages and to assess the post existing knowledge regarding segregation and handling in biomedical wastages. METHODOLOGY: Research design is Non experimental qualitative research design and the approach is Descriptive approach .RESULTS: Majority ten (33.3%) workers are says that infectious waste or hazard materials that may harm people, (36.7%) are says that all the above are the hazard of biomedical waste and eighteen (60%) peoples are says that all the above are the collect and dispose. Majority twenty two (73.4%) are workers says that all the above are the major colors code used in biomedical waste management.

Keywords : Biomedical Waste Management, Hazard Materials, Video Assisted Teaching, Segregation & NonHazardous


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