In the present research an attempt has been made to improve the efficiency and emission level of a traditional wood fired cook stove. Quantity of wood required to boil 1 kg of water in a standard pot of 2l capacity was taken as input process parameter. A number of experiments were conducted on three different cookstove with and without twisted tapes as retrofits. The thermal efficiency and emission levels in terms of gram of emission per kg of wood burned were measured. Thermal efficiency of the three cook-stoves i.e., 3-Brick stove, Mud Stove and Improved cook stove without and with twisted tapes were found to be 15±2%, 17±2%, 18±3%, 21±4%, 23±2%, 26±2% respectively. It was also observed that the emission factor (g/kg) for carbon monoxide was considerably reduced with the use of twisted tapes in all the three stoves as 65±8%, 51±9%, 87±6%, 72±5%, 49±8%, 37±7% respectively.
Keywords : Wood-Fired; Stove; Thermal Efficiency; Emission; Retrofit.