This study analyzes the effect of risk
perception, motivation and learning process on stock
investment interest in the Jabodetabek Capital Market
School activities. This study aims to determine how strong
the influence of Risk Perception, Motivation and
Learning Processes for Interest in Stock Investment in
Jabodetabek Capital Market School activities. This study
took a sample of 400 respondents. The sampling
technique used is the Purposive Sampling method, and
the data testing technique used in this study includes the
validity test, the reliability test with Alpha Cronbach.
Classic assumption test, multiple linear regression
analysis, t test, F test and test the correlation coefficient
and determinant. The collected data was tested for
validity and reliability was tested with alpha coefficients
(Alpha Cronbach), where the results were all valid and
reliable. The results of this study indicate that Risk
Perception, Motivation and Learning Processes
significantly influence the Interest in Stock Investment.
Keywords : Risk Perception; Motivation; Learning Process; Investment Interest.