The process of formation of stones in the
kidney, bladder, and/or urethra (urinary tract) is
known as Urolithiasis. According to WHO, urolithiasis
covered 12 % of the total population and its proportion
in males is 70-81% and in females 47-60% and their
ratio is 2.4:1. Traditional plants had various chemical
constituents which show constructive effects on lithiasis
by numerous molecular mechanisms. A number of
medicinal plants possessed antiurolithiatic effects include
Moringa oleifera, Crataeva magna, Aerva javanica,
Peperomia tetraphylla, Terminalia bellirica,
Ipomoea eriocarpa, Punica granatum, Hibiscus rosasinensis, Costus spiralis, Herniaria hirsuta.. The present
review is to provide the information and highlights in the
present trends in research of medicinal plants with
antiurolithiatic activity. This review may help to identify
lead compounds or herbal products responsible for
urolithiatic activity
Keywords : Urolithiasis, Molecular Mechanism, Traditional Plants, Lead Compound