EFL Students’ Learning Styles and Their Effect on Listening Performance: A Study at SMAN 2 Watansoppeng

Authors : Femy Rahmadani; Abidin Pammu; Nasmilah

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 2 - February

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3pxRNTx

Learning styles has revolved around EFL contexts and has gained wider attention from teachers and teaching practitioners as well as researchers in Indonesia and around the world. The primary purpose of this research is to figure out if the learning style has a major impact on the listening performance of the students. The design of the present research is a quantitative research design that incorporates statistical tools. The study design employs causal comparative of ex post facto design. The research’s population was the second-grade students of SMAN 2 Watansoppeng with a total of 150 students taking only 27 students as the sample. The instruments or tools were in the form of questionnaires on learning style and listening comprehension assessments. The data were analyzed by using One-Way ANOVA in IBM SPSS 25.0. The result of the research showed that F-table score of learning style on students’ listening performance is 0.159 and the significant value is 0.923. The values confirm that there is no significant effect of learning style on students’ listening performance. Moreover, it was found that auditory tend to be the most dominant learning style. The finding generates pedagogical concerns that teachers should not worry about the differences of students learning styles since effective and productive teaching may be achieved regardless of style variables.

Keywords : EFL Students; Learning Styles And Effect; Listening Performance.


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