Electrical Load Forecasting in Power System

Authors : Olajuyin E. A., Olubakinde Eniola

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2lPKsmV

Load forecasting is normally employ to forecast and predict the rise in power demand of an area in other to prepare for electricity generation to meet the costumers demand as the population is growing. Electric load Forecasting can be used in selling, planning and buying of energy in power systems. It is very useful from generation to distribution of electrical energy. Forecasting in power system can be widely divided into three classes: Short-term electric load forecasting is generally one hour to one week, medium electric forecasting is normally from a week (7days) to a year, and while long-term electric load forecasting which are may be from a year and above. Accurate load forecasting can help in developing a plan, particularly for developing countries in which energy demand in such countries is irregular in nature as result of rapid growth rate and increase in the rate of rural–urban drift. The different methods of load forecasting were studied such as expert system, fuzzy logic, regression methods and artificial neural network (ANN).Some benefits of electric load forecasting were discussed.

Keywords : Regression, Forecasting, Load, Demand, Power, Electric, Generation e.t.c.


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