:- This paper is an effort to evaluate the 'Social
work approach and initiative in the elimination of
discrimination against women and girls'. Social workers
have a liability to challenge discrimination and promote
community and financial justice. There is a longstanding
commitment to ending every part of discrimination
against women in the social work.
It is necessary to pay attention to the issues of
women as women face many aspects of their lives due to
discrimination. Women do most of the work in the world
but control a small proportion of their resources. Most
economic, political, social, and cultural forces in the
world work adversely for women and girls. As a result,
women are being unfavorably affected in the areas of
education; Health care including reproductive and
mental health; Crime, especially as a victim of violence;
Employment; and social welfare, especially income
maintenance programs. The well-being of women and
their families is negatively affected by girlhood at all
stages of the life cycle. The social work profession has
long been working to eliminate discrimination in all