The need to enhanced leadership to live the
culture of safety is established in this study. Having said
that, it is not only school leaders, teachers and parents
who should be involved in safety promotion but also the
students. They need to be fully aware of the importance
of safety in their daily lives in and out of the school.
Ninety-three student-respondents were surveyed in
order to measure their readiness, preparedness and
safety knowledge that are pre-requisites among
members of a possible student-led safety club. Test of
correlation was conducted to analyze the data that were
gathered from the student-respondents. The results of
the survey highlighted participants’ basic and advanced
knowledge of safety and disaster preparedness. A set of
basic DRRM guidelines was forwarded to student
leaders for their reference when they create the student –
led safety organization.
Keywords : Student Empowerment, Student-Led Safety Club, DRRM, Safety