This study develops a novel energy harvesting backpack that can generate electrical energy from the differential forces between the wearer and the pack. The goal of this system is to make the energy harvesting device transparent to the wearer such that his or her endurance and dexterity is not compromised. We have developed the suspended-load backpack, which converts mechanical energy from the vertical movement of carried loads to electricity during normal walking [generating up to 7.4 watt].A Suspended load back pack designed to permit the load to move relative to the back pack frame during walking and running. The large movement between the load and the frame of the back pack reduced the fluctuations of absolute vertical motion of the load. This motion of the load is transferred to a motor (generator) through a rack and pinion gear and converts the mechanical movement to electrical energy. This electricity generation can help give field scientists, explorers, and disaster-relief workers freedom from the heavy weight of replacement batteries and thereby extend their ability to operate in remote areas.