Energy Production from Biomass: Review

Authors : Anil Tekale, Swapna God, Balaji Bedre, Pankaj Vaghela, Ganesh Madake, Suvarna Labade

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 10 - October

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There are many power plants like thermal, solar, hydro, nuclear etc. but there are some disadvantage of it like CO2 emission pollution, problem of global warming requirement of fuels cost etc. To avoid such factors we developed system is biomass power plant to meet the demands of electricity and environment concern day by day price of fuels that fact to which motivate o use renewable energy in India.Biomass is renewable in nature, carbon neutral and has the potential to provide large productive employment in rural areas. It is considered as one of the promising sources for generation of power / energy using commercially available thermal and biological conversion technologies.

Keywords : Energy Generation, Renewable Energy, Non-Conventional, Power Generation And Biomass.


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