English Idiomatic Equivalence on the Way of
Speaking of Women in Pannampu Traditional Market
Community: A Sociolinguistic Perspective. This research
aims to figure out the English idiomatic equivalence on
the way of speaking of women in Pannampu traditional
market community, and displaying the way strong
expletives are used in their everyday speech. It was
conducted within Pannampu traditional market
community and Hasanuddin University Makassar. Data
were collected from field and library research. They
consisted of recordings of everyday speech and any other
secondary sources. The research employed an
ethnographic qualitative design with a functional
semiotic analysis approach. In collecting data, the
researcher employed participant observation where the
object collected had been specified before. This research
displays that the way of speaking of women in
Pannampu traditional market community was carried
out by contextualized casual language (the words that
are used indexing the context constructing the meaning),
the use of clitics and particles, and also by employing
conduplicatio rhetorical system (the repetition of word
or words exists to highlight the meaning). Furthermore,
it is figured out that the way strong expletives are used in
everyday communication are by indexing the names of
food, animals, bodily effluvia, sexuality, and the state of
human intelligence.
Keywords : Sociolinguistics, Way of Speaking, Women, Strong Expletives.