In the present scenario, an alternate for clay
bricks is fly-ash bricks which plays a key role in the
construction of framed structures because of its less
weight which will reduce the dead weight of the
structure, due to its light weight concept and another
advantage is low cost. Such fly ash bricks are not
subject to load bearing structure because of its slight
reduction in compressive strength compared with
nominal clay brick. So majority of the fly ash bricks
were used in the framed structures construction. In this
study a concern to increase compression strength using
coconut fibre is carried out, with this another
proportion of replacement to the fly ash is done with
rice husk ash. By varying the proportion of fibre and
rice husk ash of 5% and 10%, with coconut fibre’s
aspect ratio of 150, is mixed separately and also in the
combined proportion of 5% and 10% of coconut fibre
and rice husk ash. A comparison has been carried out
for the normal brick to the fibre reinforced brick and
fibre reinforced rice husk ash by replacing fly ash in
brick. From the comparison the test result has shown a
significant change in the compressive strength by the
addition of coconut fibre than the addition of rice husk
ash to the normal fly ash brick and also the test results
showed significant changes in the water absorption
quality and other properties of the fly ash brick.
Keywords : Fly Ash Brick; Rice Husk Ash; Coconut Fibre; Aspect Ratio; Fibre Reinforced Brick; Ordinary Portland Cement(OPC);