Enrichment of Critical Reading Book with Islamic Values for Indonesian Language and Literature Education Students

Authors : Oktarina Puspita Wardani; Subyantoro; Fathur Rokhman; Ida Zulaeha

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 7 - July

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3ryX2Vr

Nowadays, the requirement for reading becomes essential to the students. Reading material was more widely spread across in several media. Indonesia is one of the countries which use social media massively. Students are prepared to be able to teach reading in school well. Skills in critical reading should be owned by every student so that they can teach students at school. The present study aims to determine the requirement of UNISSULA students from the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education in critical reading enrichment books containing Islamic values. This study explores how the students' requirement for critical reading enrichment books containing Islamic values. The method of this study is used descriptive qualitative research, data collection techniques using a student requirements questionnaire with 35 students as data sources. So that the data found in the form of a questionnaire analysis of student requirements. Data analysis used reading and writing techniques by describing the results of the questionnaire on student requirements. The results of the study indicate that the development of critical reading enrichment books containing Islamic valuesis needed and needs to be developed. The critical reading enrichment book containing Islamic values was developed by taking into account several aspects, including, 1) perceptual aspects, 2) material aspects, 3) language aspects, 4) presentation aspects, and 5) graphic aspects.

Keywords : Enrichment Book, Islamic Values, Critical Reading.


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